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DIY Flower Crowns


It's finally Spring! Spring is probably my favourite season for many reasons. It's the time of year that is warm enough to wear lighter sweaters, and not have to pile on layers to stay warm (though I do still love fall and winter!) However, spring accessories have to take the cake for me. I absolutely love florals and anything flower shaped or related. Which means, flower crowns are a definite favourite of mine, and I have definitley tried to make them. My biggest problem with most of the tutorials for flower crowns is how expensive they can get. Most people cannot just drop $40 to buy some florals from their local craft store. So, as I was browsing the florals at a dollar store, I realized how brilliant it would be to make one from these florals.

I started off by taking some beaded floral wire, and wrapping it around my head. Once it had the shape and size I wanted, I secured the ends by wrapping t around itself. Because it's wire it should stay pretty securely, but if it doesnt you can hot glue it. Which, hot gluing a flower crown doesn't sound like the best idea, but I used a precise tip glue gun, and it worked really well!

I just continued adding stems until I was content with the amount of flowers on the crown. I also added some leaves that I removed from my stems.

Finally, I repeated these steps with pink and yellow flowers, just arranging them until I was content with the appearance.

I think the flower crowns turned out extremely well, and my sister was more than willing to model them for me! They were surprisingly easy, and you could totally personalize them for any events or outfits you might be planning!

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